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Service Kits

Our Chicago Pneumatic Kits provide you with all the spare parts you will need for the most common maintenance and repair operations, and it comes all in one box.

Preventive Maintenance Kits

Keep your machine in top condition

Your equipment’s scheduled maintenance program will require specific parts, which are all contained in our Preventive Maintenance Kits. Your machine will keep running optimally when repairs and maintenance are undertaken by our certified technicians.

Wear & Repair Kits

Get going again quickly

Our Wear & Repair kits are a set of spare parts for the most common repair and replacement operations on your machine. Cost effective and convenient, these kits simplify the service process by ensuring you get what you need.

Start-Up Kits

Everything you need for a great start with your new machine

Get the most from your machine from Day 1 with our Chicago Pneumatic’s Start-Up Kit. The Start-Up Kit answers all your service questions from the day you acquire your new machine. Include all the consumables, lubricants and parts that you will need according to the preventive maintenance program.

Upgrade Kits

Exceed expectations

Our Chicago Pneumatic Upgrade Kits are the most cost-effective way to ensure you equipment has our latest technology. Our upgrades are easy to install and offer proven technological solutions. With our upgrades, you can ensure your machine is operating with the best available technology, has the highest possible market value, and is running as efficiently as it can. Our Upgrade Kits will allow you to take on a wider range of jobs by providing your standard machine with additional features, as well as improving its cost efficiency and productivity. Take on new markets with a more capable machine!