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User friendly

Contoured grip handle reduces operator fatigue and increases output.

Lightweigt and compact

Chamfered cylinder block increases visibility of the work piece permitting close operation in tight corners.


Tungsten carbide-tipped pistons last longer and are easily replaced.

Our scabblers

Chicago Pneumatic handheld pneumatic scabbler application image
Our scabblers are lightweight and compact, equipped with tungsten-carbide tipped pistons to last longer. The pistons oscillate inside the head or cylinder of the scabbler and strike the surface of the material being worked on. All the scabblers have three pistons mounted in line. The cycling of the pistons occurs due to the air porting arrangements in the piston assembly. The machines are examples of a valveless piston motor.

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Product variations

CP 0006; CP 0006 SVR; CP 0066